Local School Budget
Your tax dollars are at work in our schools every day! Allen ISD is committed to being a good steward of tax dollars, and we understand the importance of being transparent and efficient while advocating for our community.
The district operates on a July 1 fiscal year, which means the budget must be adopted annually by June 30. The Allen ISD School Board adopted the 2024-2025 budget on June 17, 2024 and typically hears an update on the current budget every month, all while planning for the next fiscal year so they can adopt a new budget the following June.
The Allen ISD School Board adopts the local property tax rate each year while the county appraisal district determines the market value of homes and business property within the district. School districts do not have input when it comes to market value determinations.
Breaking down funding sources for 2024-25
Allen ISD 2024-2025 Revenues total slightly more than $218 million and can be broken down by the three funding sources:
Local Funding
Allen ISD receives about 80% of its revenue from local tax collections and other local sources including: summer school tuition, interest income, facility rental fees, insurance recovery, athletic activity proceeds and other miscellaneous items.
State Funding
Allen ISD receives only 19% of its revenue from state funding.As of October 1, 2024, Allen ISD has 20,870 students enrolled. Funding in the state of Texas is based on a weighted system and student attendance. Texas school districts get additional funding for students who qualify for special programs and/or other services. The adopted 2024-2025 budget is based on an attendance rate of 96%.
Federal Funding
Federal funding for school districts in Texas varies from district to district based on federal grants and formulas. In Allen ISD, federal funds equate to only about 1% of total revenues and are generated from indirect costs charged to federal grants and programs related to special education services.
Where does the money go?
Allen ISD has a total general operating budget of nearly $226.4 million, with revenues projected for the 2024-2025 school year of slightly more than $218 million. The district will use its general fund balance reserves (similar to a savings account) to make up the difference in the coming year and will adjust budgets as needed year to year.
Projected Expenses
Projected Revenue
Approximately 80% of the district’s budget is allocated to personnel costs (salaries and benefits) for our incredible teaching, administrative and support staff.
Allen ISD 2024-2025 Operating Budget
No Data Found

Focus on Instruction - Keeping Dollars in the Classroom
Approximately $137,800,455 of the current budget is earmarked for instruction, instructional resources and media, and staff development. Another $34,144,952 is earmarked for instructional support, which includes administrative support, guidance and counseling, social work, health services and co-curricular services. This totals $171,945,407 or 76% of the budget that goes directly toward instruction and support services for students.

Operating Costs in Allen ISD
The district’s general operating budget includes $41,748,435 for operational costs like transportation, child nutrition, facilities/maintenance, security and technology. Another $5,999,600 is earmarked for the district’s Chapter 49 recapture (Robin Hood) payment, miscellaneous governmental charges, JJAEP fees, community services, and facility acquisition/construction. Together, these expenses make up 21% of the district’s operating budget.

Costs for General or Central Administration
Approximately $6,671,054 of the budget pays for general or central administration. This is 3% of the total budget, or, 3 pennies of every dollar spent in Allen ISD. Additionally, this is a decrease from 3.5% of the budget in the 2017-2018 school year.
How do you fit in?
Allen ISD is funded primarily from local funding, so now we need to dive into the Tax Rate, history, and how it all comes together!